Thursday, March 12, 2009

3 ways to Eliminate Joint Pain

Do you have joint pain in knees? Shoulders? Well I do. The knee pain is a direct result of past sports injuries. The shoulder pain is a result of past weight lifting.

When I had an arthroscopic left knee surgery in 2001 to repair torn meniscus cartilage, I was informed by the doctor that within 10 years I would probably need total knee replacement for both knees. The right knee had a slight tear of the ACL in college. No surgery performed.

My shoulder joints have pain in both left and right from lifting weights, specifically flat back free weight bench press. I performed this exercise up until about age 45. The pain began near the tendon between the elbow and shoulder.

The pain in the shoulder and knees becomes intensified when the temperature is, let's just say, cold outside. I hate cold weather. Grew up in Mississippi so cold weather was very rare.

How do I eliminate or reduce joint pain? 3 ways.

1 - Elliptical cardio. I do this elliptical machine because it strengthens all the muscles around the knee joint and most of all, takes the pressure off the knee joint. This exercise feels really good. This is part of my regular fitness training.

2 - Light weight training. Exercise using light weights and lots of reps really feels good to the joints. It also builds endurance while increasing metabolism. When you get a certain age, your body will tell you, you can only lift light weights as opposed to heavy weight. My heavy weightlifting days are over. This is very beneficial for our golf game as well.

3 - Eliminate alcohol from your system. Alcohol enhances osteoporosis. What does this mean? Well go drink up and get back with me the next day and lets see how those joints feel. Not too good huh? I am not a doctor but my body tells me that alcohol is poison for the joints.

Those three ways is how I cope with joint pain. It works for me. Hope it works for you.

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