Have you ever strayed from whatever your workout routine is, if you have one at all? Do you sometimes procrastinate that fitness session for whatever reason you can think of? Or maybe just skip that workout altogether?
If so, you are not alone. It is human nature. If we don't do our fitness training it's not a life or death situation. Generally, we are not going to have some kind of seizure, stroke or just totally drop dead. I mean come on guys how serious can this fitness stuff be.
Well, let's kind of put the seriousness of this fitness stuff in perspective. A perspective on age. To a 25 year old (we've been there) a random fitness routine is harmless usually. I mean the body at that age is quick to recover, full of hormones, and easily adaptable to the given situation. Reflexes as usually at their peak.
Now let's fast forward to our senior years. Random routines may be a concern. I know if I go a week without a workout my body knows it. It's like its thirsting for that push, resistance, stretch or whatever. My body knows it being neglected and tells you so. How does it do this you ask? Well I'm here to tell you that whatever the medical terminology and all that fancy wording may be, I can feel the difference.
A week without fitness or workout of some sort registers very low on my overall body feeling scale. If I put that scale on a 1 to 10 basis, the reading without fitness that week is very low. Probably a 2 or 3. If full week of fitness training for me is 3 times per 7 day week. My scale then is probably 8 to 9.
By the way, if you are wondering about the significance of my son in the photo standing near the chopper, he is my fitness inspiration. Lord only knows what they go thru.
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This is probably hogwash to someone in there 20's or 30's. That's why this blog is called FITNESS FOR SENIORS! Hello. We understand. We get it. We feel it. So what does all this mean?
"Don't Neglect Your Fitness all you Seniors. You'll be glad you Didn't"
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