Have you ever been to Ft. Benning GA? A U.S. Army military base near Columbus GA, it is absolutely awesome. Oh, by the way, that is my son Zach pictured above. I took that this past weekend on a visit to the Ft. Benning military post in Columbus, GA.
This post is a U.S. Army post for the infantry. The post itself is like a small city. Not many street lights, but several stop signs. It is set in a rural area, but near suburban Columbus. The post itself is spread out over several thousands of acres. There are several barracks, training facilities, living quarters, and even shopping areas.
I am here visiting my son, Zach, who is finishing up his basic training. He moves into what the military calls, AIT or advanced individual training for 4 weeks, then he graduates. I will be back for graduation.
To watch the military and the soldiers in action is truly amazing. Sends goosebumps all over me. The precision, the attentiveness, the dedication, the purposeness of those soldiers and the drill sergaents really gets my blood flowing. Man if we ran our individual lives like the military, some do, its hard to get off the right path.
What if you conducted your golf game and golf training like the military? Without a doubt you would be the most fit golfer and the most disciplined. Well it has always been my belief that a fit golfer is a better golfer.
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